Notice: Only variables should be passed by reference in /homepages/4/d92360456/htdocs/rsgallery2_J4x_upgrade/plugins/content/remote_markdown/services/provider.php on line 28
RSG2: Short for RSGallery2 Work in progress 26. April 2024 Text will be improved in the next next week(s) regularly TL;DR short version: install J3.10.... newest Clean up RSG2 J3x parts (see also below) Install J4x Install RSG2 J4x version In RSG2 control panel use button 1-4 to transfer RSG J3x data to new version Plugins/Modules: This may be done when PHP is still on Version 7.4 Menu "extensions"->Manage->Manage for example (1) In the search form use "RSG" to show all installed RSG2 software (2) Select all RSG plugins and modules (3) Use button uninstall Sometime it is needed to export th DB and imnport it into a newer versions Follow standard joomla steps If RSGallery2 was not deinstalled you may find a update notice when the first alfa version is ready Attention: Step 5 "Move J3x images" is striked trough and for later use when RSG2 is ready for it. The actual software still uses the J3x file place The individual steps are explained separately below The button will lead you to a form where you can issue the copy with button (1) (2) The configuration parameters must be copied from the j3x data table to J4x table as they are now used in standard j4x configuration style (places). The copied values may still be in use as long as the J3x display methods are used.
Please check the new variables in config Single config variables may be later checked and copied in maintenance. Use following button there DB Galleries: got a new table with more parameters. Therefore they have to be transferred The button will lead you to a form where you can issue transfer of galleries with button (1) (2) ToDo: Check single gallery transfer in batches should have been programmed alsready -----------------------------------------------------
ToDo: Button in header / below shorter as similar to images .... -----------------------------------------------------
ToDo: test buttton DB ... single for galleries and images ? seperate form ? ----------------------------------------------------- Single galleries may be later checked and copied in maintenance. Use following button there This is necessary. Otherwise gallery names will not be listed in gallery overview ToDo: valid up to here --------------------------------------------------------- DB Images: got a new table with more parameters. Therefore they have to be transferred The button will lead you to a form where you can transfer images database data with button (1) (2) ToDo: Button in header should be called transfer see galleries above .... ----------------------------------------------------- 2) To prevent failure due to large lists of images in the database these items are not transfered automatically from table 'rsgallery2_files' to 'rsg2_images'. Please use button "DB: Transfer J3x images" in maintenance to transfer the data. This will open a form where a set of images can be selected and the transfer can be issued. Please select the images batch wise as still the transfer of too many items at once may need longer than server time allows. This is necessary. Otherwise image names will not be listed in gallery overview The button will lead you to a form where you can issue ... with button (1) (2) The new database structure forces the gallery ID to be incresed by one. Therefore on all menu items referencing a gallery the id must be increased. This is automated here. The button will lead you to a form where you can issue ... with button (1) (2) Image files: Move Image files to the new structure Not ready, intended forlater use 2023.11.12: Actually this can be ignored. Ignoring is recommended. You may come back later to finish this task when the software supports it The function to move images is useful to apply for the new display functions but ? is not needed immediately ?. The call will also create several sizes of images by settings in the configuration. Please use button "Move J3x images" in maintenance to move the files. This will open a form where a set of images can be selected and the move to new RSG2 images folder (images/rsgallery2) can be issued. This must be done in batches (per gallery) as execution time may exceed allowed server time. Each image (original/display/thumb) is moved and other copies will be created for different screen sizes. So it is best to check the configuration before so the expected useful sizes are set in front of the transition ? It is still valid to upload new images to the old structure.? In general it would be best to take the time and transfer all images to the new structure. (2021.09.10: Developer: It may still become mandatory)  In general: On the maintenance page there is an area "Upgrade zone (J!3.x)" with buttons for the tasks mentioned below ? different document ? -> old text not updated and checked fromhere on In RSG2 Control panel further action is indicated on top
Buttons can be used to accomplish following See below PS: Don't know what will happen with the user rights then (2021.06.20: comments may not be handled in the first versions) Several libraries of the displays are outdated (from Joomla 1.5/2.5) therefore we had to replace them. The display styles may not match, the functionality of slide shows may be different. (2021.06.20: Most display functions are not created actually so this information may change a bit in the future) In the control panel a "image" like below will appear if there is work to do after installing. <<<<---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legacy menu items are marked with [J3x] in front of the text. The gallery view is separated into two menues. In J3x version a gallery number of "0" told to display root galleries
This root gallery display has now its own menu type named "[J3x} Root galleries overview (latest/random images)"
You must change the type of your menu if you want to display the root gallery view. In J3x version a gallery number of "0" told to display root galleries view.
Also when a "parent" gallery was selected this type of view was used This root gallery display has now its own menu type. Name see Title Root views have to be created anew We did expect that most web sites only one root display exists and all
other displaying single galleries This view displays a set of images Actually in creation It is not defined yet which parameters will live in J4x Actually there are two sections.
Defined parameters will have the same value like before. There may be additionally new parameters. 2021.06.20: What users can do on failure or missing features a) Add issues on Github (ToDo: link) b) Mail to developer ignore dummy text from this point on ToDo: ? Ceck if newer plugin can be installed before removing so parameters may be kept or new plugins react to old {rsg..} syntax ?Upgrade RSG2 J3x Version to J4x
Normal Upgrade Path
Upgrade tasks RSG2
1) Remove old plugins and modules
2) Upgrade php and database versions
3) Upgrade Joomla to 4.x
4) Install / upgrade RSGallery2 for J4x
4a) Download RSGallery2 for j4x
4b) Upgrade RSGallery2 for j4x
Post processing steps to transfer J3x data to j4x
1) DB: Copy old J3x configuration
2) DB: Transfer J3x galleries
3) DB: Transfer J3x images
4) Increase gallery ID in Menues
Copy/move J3x images to new folder structure
Differences J3x / j4x
Transfer Upgrade Path
Display of galleries / slide shows ...
Menu changes
[J3x] Root galleries overview (latest/random images)
[J3x] Standard gallery images
[J3x] slideshow
J3x root galleries
J3x gallery images
Biggest hurdle yet / to be developed
Failure to upgrade
leftover text to checked for use or be used