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Images Edit View


Image List view batch processing

(1) Title

Is derived from the file name when uploading. May have been changed when it was edited in image property view.

(2) Filename

File name of uploaded file on server. May be different from the image name on the PC due to character restrictions in URL or server operating system

(3) Gallery

Tell or changes the parent gallery

(4) Description

Text which is displayed in the gallery view if enabled in the configuration

(5) Status

Publish or hide the image

(6) Ordering

Change appearance order

(7) Owner

Tells user who uploaded the image

(8) Item Preview

Shows a medium sized view of the image

(9) Display parameters

Add parameters used in display of the image to overwrite settings from the configuration for this image.
Use the form of Name='value', one assignment per line. Sadly the name of the item has to be derived from the config control name.

(10) Links to image

Tells the path of the image as URL link

Image List view batch processing

(1) Save

Saves the changes

(2) Save and close

Saves the changes and exits the edit view

(3) Save and new

Saves the changes and opens an empty edit view

(4) Cancel

Exits the edit view

(5) Rotate left

(6) Rotates right

(7) Rotate 180

(8) Flip horizontal

(9) Flip vertical

Image List view batch processing